Health Disparities from AI and Data-driven Technologies

Health Disparities from AI and Data-driven Technologies The healthcare AI technology industry is rapidly growing, reshaping the landscape of medical services. Innovations such as AI-powered diagnostic tools, remote healthcare services, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment plans are significantly enhancing healthcare efficiency and outcomes. However, this optimistic view often overlooks a critical issue: the inadvertent widening of disparities in access and resource allocation in healthcare. As AI and data-driven technologies become more prevalent in healthcare, these concerns must be integrated into mainstream discussions to ensure the industry evolves sustainably and benefits…

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Virtual Reality In Medicine

Virtual reality is used in both the medical and dentistry fields where it has several advantages over conventional systems. The dental applications of this technology are discussed in more detail in our virtual reality in dentistry article. But what about medicine you ask yourself? We know virtual reality is used in surgery, especially the field of robotic surgery where it has proven to be very successful. This is discussed further in our virtual reality in surgery article. Virtual diagnosis This article concentrates on virtual reality within a medical setting. For…

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Industry heavyweights come together to standardize the Internet of Things

AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM and Intel are the latest companies to band together with the aim of standardizing interoperability across smart machines and ultimately, drive adoption of an Internet of Things. Announced last week, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) is a not-for-profit open membership group created to establish common frameworks for development of inter-connected digital and physical worlds. While the notion of device-to-device communication holds great potential across a range of industries, with different manufacturers using different engineering standards, development has been slow-moving in the eyes of some. In December last…

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Fastest home internet access ever rolls out in US city

Some residents of Minneapolis, Minnesota, received a holiday gift this December – the fastest home internet speed available just about anywhere in the world. US Internet, based in the Minneapolis suburb of Minnetonka, announced this week that it has begun rolling out 10 gigabit per second internet access, ten times faster than Google Fiber‘s much-publicized gigabit connections, and similarplanned networks in the UK. It’s also much faster than typical speeds in South Korea, often cited as having the fastest average connections in the world. The company says that compared to the…

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Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What are the differences and similarities?

Technology is improving at a rapid pace, as many things are possible today that were not possible 10 years ago even if we tried our best to make it happen. Today, some of the impossible things are rising to the occasion in the form of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. But what are they exactly? Let’s find out. Back in the 1990s, virtual reality was on the lips of everyone as multiple companies tried and failed to make it happen. The most notable device back then was the Nintendo Virtual…

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9 Ways Quantum Computing Will Change Everything

Computers built on the principles of quantum physics—as opposed to ‘classical’ physics—promise a revolution on the order of the invention of the microprocessor or the splitting of the atom. D-Wave, a small Canadian company backed by Jeff Bezos, NASA, and the CIA among others, is the first firm to sell a so-called quantum computer—at roughly $10 million a pop. The vast increase in power could revolutionize fields as disparate as medicine, space exploration, and artificial intelligence. Inthis week’s TIME cover story, Lev Grossman writes that D-Wave’s machines are “so radical…

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Virtual reality lets you stroll around a breast cancer cell

By Alice Klein I feel like I’ve landed on an alien planet. I’m walking across the surface of a breast cancer cell as drug nanoparticles whizz past my head like spaceships. One of the particles suddenly crashes in front of me, and I teeter on the edge of an abyss as it is sucked through the surface. It feels real – and in a sense, it is. The cell I am exploring in virtual reality is not a conceptual model. John McGhee of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and…

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Machine Learning for Text Classification

Machine Learning for Text Classification Machine learning can used to classified different category of texts, by using various classifiers. The common machine learning classifiers are support vector machine, Naive Bayes and even ensemble models, such as stochastic gradient descent. Besides, deep learning neural network is also a choice for the text classification. Those classifiers and neural network enable us to category the text and even to find the author for the specific text. The general idea is that we input the text of specific category or author, and then we…

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As our investment in technology is increasing, our world is updated by new technologies that benefit our daily life. In some countries, robots are beginning to deliver food and services, work in factories, and do things that human cannot do. Soon, we may see human-like robots talking to humans as if they have real brains and intellectual ability, or mimicking our facial impressions as if they have real feelings of satisfaction and anger. AI is on its way to our life. AI is short for Artificial Intelligence, which is defined…

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Chinese Car App “Didi” Updates the Safety Measures After the Murder Incident

Chinese Car App “Didi” Updates the Safety Measures After the Murder Incident The leading car-hailing firm “Didi” in China is updating its services after the murder of one of its users recently. The online car app service is currently suspending its carpooling services at night. At the same time, Didi is also considering going for an audio recording of all the respective journeys. The given proposals had been made after 10 days of the incident wherein a 21-year-old air stewardess had been murdered after she had booked a ride with…

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